Summer Sketch Club is a program that nurtures creativity in children by providing fun, exploratory art classes to children. We also share ideas and resources for parents to help encourage creativity at home with their children through our blog.
Discover more about Summer Sketch Club here
Explore creative ideas for kids and parents on our blog here
Hannah Huber Israelsen
Founder & Summer Sketch Club Instructor
Hannah is the founder of North Logan’s popular summer art class for children, Summer Sketch Club. Her background in art comes largely from AP art classes she took while attending Sky View High School. Hannah has Bachelor of Arts degrees in Elementary Education and Early Childhood Education from Utah State University. It was during her college years that Hannah saw a need in the community for art classes for children, and so she started Summer Sketch Club in the summer of 2013. She had about 20 kids enroll that year, and each year since then, Summer Sketch Club has been growing into more than she ever imagined! For two years, Hannah also had the wonderful experience of being the elementary school art teacher at Greenville Elementary. Hannah currently lives in Phoenix, Arizona, but grew up in North Logan and loves coming home to Cache Valley with her family whenever she gets the chance. She’s married to a wonderfully supportive husband who is always willing to help with her crazy ideas, and she’s the mother of a cute little toddler girl. In addition to running Summer Sketch Club, Hannah’s photography business also keeps her busy. She’s very excited to teach your kids in Summer Sketch Club this year!